A Love Letter to Brutalism

Why do I love you?

Standing there in awe
Weird looks from passers by
Who's eyes are glued to the floor

See beauty is in the eye of the beholder
but that we already know
I love the way that concrete looks
Especially in the snow 

The way it stands tall and proud 
with little care in the world 

What you see is what you get 
It's shape and colour so bold

The reason it's here 
is down to urgency 
So what if it looks cold 

There is no hidden agendas
what you see is what you get 
poured concrete
built with no regret 

raw and grey in colour
& the windows are just there 

Don't judge a book by it's cover
or people by their clothes

it might be a council estate
but to many it is home

we as humans are greedy...
but bread is still bread
the same food in fancy packaging
shouldn't matter
as long as we are fed

si the next time
you look at a building
especially one that lacks
don't just assume
please gather all the facts
consider all the basics
imagine you're on the street
imagine how grateful you would be
to look down and have the keys

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