I don’t really do this 

Happy new year bullshit

It’s another party 

On a different day 


People wait until January 

To start a fresh 

New Year’s resolutions 

That will only last

A month or two 

You’re not really dedicated are you? 


You’ve scripted an answer

To the question 

“What’s your New Year’s resolution?”

So I don’t really do 

New Year’s celebrations


If I decide to change my life in June

July or January

Then that’s it

That’s what I’ll do


& I’m telling you now 

I won’t be going to the gym or eating healthy 

It will be me getting out of bed 

In the morning 

& being grateful to have a roof 

Over my head 

A life and decent people around me 


Because I’ve learnt the hard way

That life can be taken from you 

Whenever the world decides 


Karma has you in her phone contents 

Mother Nature is aware of your 

Everyday decisions 


& I am not taking risks of

Being ungrateful 


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