
If my dad were here today

He’d be making an excuse to leave

Maybe he already has to you


Some examples are:


Needing to feed his cat

Or that he forgot to lock the door

He has an appointment that 

He’s going to be late for

He thinks he left the oven on

He said he wouldn’t be out for long 

There’s a parcel on the way 

He’s ran out of things to say

He forgot something important 

Something of the assortment

He has a phone call

That he can’t miss

He’s been up for hours

Been up since 6

He needs to go home

For God knows what

The shop he needs to go to

It’s about to shut 

He needs a cigarette 

And there’s a no smoking sign

He just needs to go home

And you need to accept 

That he’ll be fine 


But how many of us has he told to piss off?

Because once he’s made up his mind 

Then he will be off 



If Luke were here today

Then I ask you


Don’t expect him to stay…

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