Fields for Miles


The countryside is beautiful 

Unless you’re trapped there...


A few miles

To the nearest town


Can’t knock on your friends doors 

Or even see them around


My childhood was books and sunsets

An occasional game of football 

With my grandad


Helped him in a garage in our garden

Just to have a conversation 

With someone 

With anyone


So don’t be upset if my social skills

Aren’t all that


If I struggle to hold eye contact 

Or seem really excited just to see you 

Or have a chat

Cause I’m appreciative and that

People are so fucking cool

And it’s what I lacked


And the kids at school

Weren’t that nice 


Couldn’t keep a friend above a month

Cause we just weren’t right

didn’t vibe...


Had to grow up too quick 

And talk with my grandparents friends 

About things I couldn’t care less about...


Couldn’t escape or leave the house


Cause where would I go?


And running around 

Was kinda lame


Trust issues 




Were to blame


So I’m sorry if I don’t reminisce about 

Childhood memories 


Cause we just weren’t brought up the same

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