My Life In Blog Form: 21/06/2024 (1/2)

Good afternoon everyone!

So I took yesterday off, from posting and couldn't quite finish uploading them on Wednesday. This was because there is a cap on 90 posts! It's still pretty crazy that I managed to upload that much, but I was frustrated. Once I start something, I do like to finish it.

Yesterday was mental. We had cameras in at work for some promo bits. This was fun but two different companies coming in while trying to serve was not the best...

Today work was a little stressful. I was already pretty agitated before I got to work and had made a mistake ordering yesterday. There was a few bits missed off and we ran out of small cups. Not sure why I messed up so bad but had a good cry outside to my boss haha, whoops. 

I think I was just a little stressed and I wanted to be a little better at what I do. Been at the coffee shop for over a year now and can be super hard and brutal on myself. 

Then a customer wouldn't leave me alone and was flirting with me and not quite getting the hint. I did end up being rude and ignoring him, turning my back and muttering that I had a boyfriend. He eventually left but it did wind me up. 

I'm also a little hormonal at the moment so the smallest things are sending me...

Anyway, let's lighten the day and upload some poetry! Woo!

Speak soon,

Jazmine :)

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