My Life In Blog Form: 22/06/2024


Hope everyone is all cool.

Saturday today which meant a very busy and late finish at work. Got through the day and Kieran picked me up which was nice. We was on our way to my grandads because he had a fridge for us for the new house. While we were driving we had some guy drive next to us and shouted that oil was leaking out the car. We pulled up and 8 litres of oil spilled all over the road! Luckily Kieran is a mechanic and called some work mates. Once they arrived it was fixed in 5 minutes. So we continued the journey, obtained the fridge and an air fryer, drove back and stopped off at Kierans mates to help with them moving house also.

So, It's been busy but exciting. I've still not been in the mood to write many poems but despite having writers block, I'm using this time to upload exisiting poems and sort out the blog.

Speak soon, 

Jazmine :)

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