How Are You?


Half-hearted compliments 

And sympathy hugs 

Asking how I really am

Like I’m some kind of mug

I am not my past and I am not my future


Don’t sit there expectant

I’ll order you an uber

Emotionless & oblivions 

To Previous parts of my life

Said no to antidepressants 

Despite doctor’s advice 

I wasn’t depressed just grieving a little 

Treated like a victim by small minded people


I don’t really have that type of mentality

You learn to switch it off 

When you work in hospitality 

I don’t use the term 




Maybe look away 

This process is unsightly 

Disappeared a few months 

Then I come back all mighty 


So how am I really doing? 

What do you think?


Enlighten me

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