When Things Come to Head


When things come to head 

While lying in bed

Bits and pieces of realisation 

Abandonment fucked me over

And I’ve lived every second 

Ignoring it

Coming to terms with it

Accepting that it’s real life

Not playing on it

When I could have


Couldn’t face going to my mother’s funeral

Just worked

Every time my dad broke my heart 

I shrugged and accepted it 

Because that’s all he did and still does


I should have trust issues 

From this amount of hurt


Yet I don’t 


I’m grateful for everything life has thrown 


Because it’s all been a lesson learnt


It’s only now when I get sat down and explained how serious things were 

Then I understand…


I’m ready to sort my life out

And put the past behind me


I’m ready

Ready to take a deep breath and ignore the stress 

Overcome by my anxiety 


I’m ready to say fuck you to the people 

Who don’t deserve me


And fuck you to the people who stabbed me in the back 

Cause I’ve got the deepest wounds and they still hurt like hell.


But the people who caused them are struggling still


Karmas a fucking bitch if you’re evil 


But let’s put it all behind us

Cause I certainly will


While you’re thinking of what could of and 

Would of happened


I cut the chords 

On all the feelings felt


No flies on me


So let’s make a toast to rebirth…

And to a life without hurt…






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