My Life In Blog Form: 07/08/2024

Hello world,

It's me again.

Wow, so much has happened since I made a blog post... (sorry)

So update:

Went to Germany, Slovakia and Prague for a little holiday at the end of June to early July with my best mate and got to meet up with an old friend who moved to Berlin which was honestly so nice!

Then I came home and was greeted with amazing news that the house purchase had gone through!

So, me and my lovely boyfriend now own a house. From the holiday to now it has been non-stop making this house a home! Also, I got a phone call today and have a house visit booked for next Monday.

Cats Protection are coming to check the house before we adopt some new fur babies!!! ahhhhhhhhh

Okay, very exciting stuff!

In terms of poetry and writing... Well I've still been writing but it is mostly paper drafts and scribbles crumpled into a folder.

I have a new typewriter now and new ribbons so have been having fun using that! I still need to finish uploading stuff and getting back into the wonderful world of poetry!

It's great to be back!

With a desk may I add ;)

Does anyone even read this blog?

Oh well. For now nothing matters

Chat soon!

Jazmine :)


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